Career Development
Preparing you to launch your career in the practice of law begins the moment you set foot on campus. From your 1L Career Workshop and resume review, to our career exploration programs and annual on-campus recruiting events like OCI and the career fair, the Career Services Office is available to support you in your professional development from day one.
Connecting with your peers, faculty and the local legal community is a vital part of your law school experience. OCU Law offers a variety of year-round opportunities to engage, collaborate, and build your network.
Career Fairs
Each fall and spring, the OCU Law Career Services Office invites firms, businesses, and nonprofits from across the metro and beyond to participate in our on-campus interview program. Many firms utilize this recruiting option to hire for competitive, paid Summer Associate programs. Other employers who recruit through OCI include the District Attorney’s Office, Public Defender’s Office, Legal Aid, and more.
Career Fairs
Law Student Services provides opportunities for current students and recent graduates to participate in a variety of government, pro bono, public interest, and minority and practice area specific recruitment programs.
The OCU Law Works Career Fair & Networking nights includes representatives and recruiters from the private, public, nonprofit, and government sectors, and is a great opportunity to meet and connect with OCU Law students, graduates, and employers from the legal community. We also include local, statewide, and national professional legal associations. Registration is free for all participants and is hosted annually every spring. For more information, please contact Law Career Services at
On-Campus Interviews
OCU Law hosts an On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program during both the fall and spring semester. Sign up to participate through Symplicity.
National & Regional Recruitment Programs
OCU Law offers current students and recent graduates opportunities to participate in a variety of government, pro bono, public interest, diversity, and practice area specific recruitment programs. Check out the list of programs below to find one that fits your professional interests.
Public Interest Recruitment Programs
Equal Justice Works organizes, trains, and supports public-service-minded law students and is the national leader in creating summer and postgraduate public interest jobs.
Diversity & Practice Area Recruitment Programs
Sunbelt Diversity Recruitment Program
Oklahoma City University School of Law is one of approximately 20 law schools that co-sponsor and coordinate the Sunbelt Diversity Recruitment Program. The job fair is held annually during late August in Dallas, Texas.
Heartland Diversity Job Fair
This program is coordinated by a consortium of legal employers in the Kansas City metro area. Their goal is to attract qualified minority candidates to Kansas City.
Hispanic National Bar Association
The HNBA Annual Convention hosts the nation’s largest career fair for experienced Hispanic lawyers and law students.
National Black Prosecutors Association
NBPA is the only professional membership organization dedicated to the advancement of Black people as prosecutors. In addition to the annual convention, the NBPA hosts a job fair.
National Latina/o Law Student Association
The annual NLLSA Conference provides a forum for students and faculty from across the country to meet and learn about their particular issues and projects. Students can also learn about job opportunities at the NLLSA Career Fair.
St. Louis Diversity Job Fair
The primary goal of the Fair is to attract a diverse group of 2L and 3L students to the metropolitan St. Louis legal community, encourage them to practice law in the area, and become an integral part of our community. The Job Fair steering committee has invited law firms, corporations, and government agencies from all over the nation.
National Association of Women Lawyers Career Center
NAWL provides a venue to make online employment connections with women in the legal profession. There are also options for female law students to become members.
National LGBTQ+ Bar Association
Every year, the sharpest legal minds in the LGBTQ+ community gather at the National LGBTQ+ Bar Association Career Fair & Conference.
Area-Specific Recruitment Programs
The Loyola Patent Law Interview Program is a two-day interview program held in Chicago each summer that brings together patent law employers and law students from across the country to interview for summer associate positions and post-graduate employment.
Military Recruitment Programs
JAG Week is a series of events that provide an opportunity for students to learn more about opportunities in the military while also honoring the veteran law students of our OCU Law community.
Symplicity is the hub for engaging and tracking your career development and pro bono activity. In Symplicity you are able to search for and apply to jobs, internships, or externships for the summer and fall and spring semester. You can also find pro bono opportunities posted in Symplicity and track your pro bono hours. Last but not least, Symplicity is the system through which students participate in OCU Law’s On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program in the fall and spring semsters.
Transcript Requests
If you need an official transcript, please contact the Registrar’s office at
ABA & NALP Reporting
OCU Law publishes statistics on bar passage, employment rates for previous years, grading scales, and honors earned by OCU Law students. It’s part of our effort to maintain excellence through constant improvement and refinement of our offerings.
This information is compiled at the national level by the ABA and the National Association for Law Placement (NALP). These organizations report on the status of post law school hiring across the nation and provides prospective employers and other interested consumers with a standardized point of comparison.