Connor Colclazier Curtis

Connor Colclazier Curtis is from Seminole, Oklahoma. She graduated with distinction from the University of Oklahoma with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History and an emphasis in Constitutional Studies. While at OU, Connor was a member of the President’s Leadership Class, the Student Government Association Advocacy Team, the Sooner Freshman Council, and the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. She was also active in her sorority, serving as the Assistant to the New Member Chairman as well as a Panhellenic Recruitment Guide. As an undergraduate student, Connor spent a summer in Italy studying activism and Renaissance art, and also worked as a research fellow for the Oklahoma History Center, conducting research for the Crossroads of Commerce exhibit.
More recently, Connor was a high school teacher in the high plains of Guymon, Oklahoma. She saw a need for passionate social studies teachers and became certified to teach United States History, World History, Oklahoma History, Psychology, and Financial Literacy for English Second Language students. Guymon is one of the most diverse areas in the state, and though building rapport with her students was her favorite part of teaching, she also enjoyed learning about the different languages and cultures of the student body. By the end of her two years in Guymon, Connor had been voted the favorite teacher of the school’s English Second Language population. Connor loved her time as an educator but was eager to find new ways to contribute to her community. Though always interested in law, she was ultimately inspired by her courageous students to take the leap of applying to law school.
During her time at OCU, Connor was listed on the Dean’s List and Faculty Honor Roll and received the CALI Award for Excellence in Contracts I, Contracts II, Legal Research & Writing I, Legal Research & Writing II, Torts, Criminal Law, Constitutional Law I, Healthcare Law and Secured Transactions. Connor is a member of the Oklahoma City University Law Review, and has had the pleasure of working as a summer clerk at McAfee & Taft and GableGotwals. After graduation and the bar exam, Connor will join McAfee & Taft as an Associate.